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Being present for the miracles.

A few days ago, a beautiful sight appeared right outside my window.  An unexpected flock of cedar waxwings landed around the small pond in my yard and began splashing about, hopping on the rocks and clearly reveling in their discovery.  I couldn’t believe my eyes, as I had not seen a cedar waxwing in a very long time. 

In fact, that last time, was a few weeks after I had scattered the ashes of a beloved pet in a lovely creek in Colorado.  I had returned to the spot, taking a walk, and I stopped for a moment, closed my eyes, and when I opened them, in the bushes next to me were several waxwings.  They took my breath away then just as they did a few days ago at my home.

Cedar waxwings are like the Jaguar (automobile) of birds…elegant, beautiful, and somehow above the fray. They wear a mask reminiscent of Zorro, and sport a bright yellow patch on their tail.  Groups of cedar waxwings are called a “museum” of waxwings or an “ear-full” of waxwings.  How cool is that?  Seeing these birds  was a pure moment of grace, at least as I saw it.  For a moment, I wondered if my late dog, now an Australian Shepherd with angel wings, was visiting me again. 

Such moments are rare, but they do happen to us. The trick is to actually realize they are happening.  To be still enough to see the eagle in the sky.  Or the amazing red sunset. To look up from the GPS or computer tablet and notice how the light plays off the mountains.

Life is delicate.  It is fragile.  And it can be stunningly beautiful.

That’s good to remember when we are surrounded by so much arguing, so much hot air and such dysfunction.  It’s hard not to get sucked into the clamor. But if we are not very careful, the clamor will sink in our bones and steal our peace.  It will shove aside our childlike wonder that notices the butterfly land on our knee and instead, divert our attention to getting even, getting the last word, or getting revenge. 

No wonder so many people don’t see the butterfly.  Or the waxwing.  Or the red clouds.

Don’t be one of those people.


The universe is waiting to wow you. Don’t miss it. 

“You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait. Do not even wait, be quite still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”    Franz Kafka

 “Enough. These few words are enough. If not these words, this breath. If not this breath, this sitting here. This opening to the life we have refused again and again until now. Until now.”         David Whyte

“I never saw a discontented tree.”  John Muir

Where did this stomach come from?

That dreaded dressing room mirror.   (Cue the horror music.)

You exercise. You eat right (mostly).  You take the stairs.  You resist the urge to snatch chocolate bars from unsuspecting children. You think healthy thoughts. 

Then you get over 60.

And you look down at your stomach.

Where did that come from?

You think, it’s spring and I could use some new blue jeans. Or a new suit.  Or even (gasp) shorts.

Then you go into the dressing room. 

With those funhouse mirrors that give you the bad news from every angle.  And lighting that probably was taken from gestapo questioning cells.

You catch a glimpse of yourself.

You go to the gym for your fitness assessment.

When did this happen?

You’re feeling pretty good because after all, you’ve been working out regularly.

You’ve been behaving.

You are in for a big surprise.

How can this be my body?

It’s not just women.  Men have these moments of horror as well.  Maybe more about their hairline.  Or maybe not. But we all know the pain. 

It can feel like forces are trying to lull you into giving in.  Go ahead, say the sirens on the rocks, have that second piece of cake. Open that bag of cheese crackers.  What difference does it make, anyway?  You deserve it….

The winds are blowing.  You’re on the edge of that precipice. Even if you hang on, if you climb higher, you will have to work very hard to feel good.  But the reward will be a longer, healthier life.  More energy. Less worrying about everything.

But if you go ahead and jump, you’ll land in a sea of potato chips, cheese dip and pie… a hammock made of macaroni and cheese that sways back and forth over a sea of indulgence.  You might be more peaceful for a few moments.  But you won’t be more healthy. 

So the question is:  where do we draw the line?  At what point do we acknowledge that age, and genetics, do play a major role in our body shape and size?  What is the difference between not eating an entire bowl of popcorn versus being okay with big arms because that’s what Mama had?

Hear what has to say…

“There are two types of fat: the subcutaneous, or “pinchable,” kind that collects just under the skin—and, unless you’re obese, poses no health threat—and visceral fat, which develops deep inside the abdomen. “Visceral fat appears to be metabolically more active than fat that settles elsewhere,” says Pamela Peeke, M.D., an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Maryland. This visceral fat—belly fat, in plain English—interferes with liver function. In particular, it hampers the processing of cholesterol and insulin—and may also compromise the function of other tissues and systems. A study conducted at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam found links between belly fat and capillary inflammation (a contributor to heart disease) and between belly fat and insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes).

“Unfortunately the flow of fat from our arms, legs, and hips to our stomachs is a natural part of aging. “Up until about age 40, estrogen in women and testosterone in men controls fat allocation, keeping it away from the abdomen,” Peeke says. “Once these hormones decline, it becomes easier for excessive calories to be stored deep inside the belly.”

So trying to control fat is pretty impossible….but….how you live can affect how much you accumulate.  So here are some tips from various sources:

Sressed?  Don’t reach for the chip bag.  Chances are, you’ll eat the whole thing before you even realize it.  Get up, walk around, stretch.  Get some air.  Drink some water.  Take your mind somewhere else (besides the pantry).

• Get stronger.  Again from   “Once you hit 30, your lean muscle mass decreases by about a pound a year. If you’re inactive, that lost muscle mass often is replaced by fat. So if you’re not already lifting weights two to three days a week, start now. Need proof that weight training will reduce your waistline? Two studies that analyzed the effects of strength training in older adults between ages 50 and 70 showed a 10 to 15 percent decrease in belly fat despite no weight loss.”

That’s pretty impressive. And the secret?  Weight training can be fun.  You really do feel more powerful afterwards!

• Eat less. Pretty obvious, right?  But don’t go to extremes. Starving yourself isn’t a long-term solution.  Think moderation.  One helping. Enough protein.  Write down what you eat.  And give yourself a “day off” when you can have a special treat. If you do have a really bad of cheating, just decide you’ll do better tomorrow, and keep moving forward. 

Getting enough sleep is also important.  Cutting out snacks during the day and  not eating after dinner are good ideas. And for sure, just moving more…whether getting up and walking, or grabbing some hand weights and sitting in the chair…anything to get your ticker moving. 

But through it all, remember to be kind to yourself.  You are probably doing the best you can, it’s just that age does have a sense of humor about some things. So don’t look at it like a war.  Think of it as a new romance with your health.  A way to add years to your life.  Wrinkles, gray hair and a few extra pounds can be badges of honor, as long as they don’t hold you back.

So let’s keep moving.   

Let’s do it!!

 It isn’t what you do once in a while that’s a problem; it’s what you do all the time.

       Jack LaLanne

“I may be a senior, but so what? I’m still hot!”

       Betty White

Happy birthday!

Birthdays.  Lots of fun (?) as we get older.  Even our friends aren’t too thrilled when our day comes around.

Everyone’s busy.  Everyone’s broke.  Everyone’s scared to consider they also are aging.

But we celebrate them.  Or at least, we stop and consider them. Even though as we age, the age we are “sounds” different than it did when we were much younger.  Remember how old you thought your 45-year-old art teacher was?  How over-the-hill the bus driver was?  How you’d never look as “bad” as that gray-haired woman who lived down the street with all the cats?

50?  Yeech, that’s when you stop staying up late at night.  60?  You probably won’t leave the house then.  70?  Teeth in a jar.

And then we turn these ages…and realize how untrue all that is, how we had no clue when we were young that we were infants compared to what life is all about.  The experiences we have, the wisdom we gain, the pain we live through…it all makes us who we are right now. 

And that includes those wrinkles.  And extra inches around our waistline.  Nature is going to do what nature is going to do.  We don’t have to completely give up, we can get off the couch and go to the gym, walk 10,000+ steps a day or do some chair aerobics, and have an apple instead of a snack cake.

And we can celebrate right now, in this moment, being alive and not being a kid anymore. How great it is to no longer worry what everyone thinks about us all the time.  Not letting fear rule every decision we make.  Not putting important things off because we think we’ll live forever. Not thinking every disappointment or failure has doomed us for eternity.

In fact, it’s those disappointments and failures that give the cake of life its flavor.  You might not taste it at first, you might have to wait quite a while, but you’ll eventually detect the spices that make up your unique recipe:  the heartbreaks, getting fired, making a bad choice or two or three, poor judgment, bad haircuts and more.

And as baby boomers, we get to celebrate what all we’ve seen and it’s all part of us as well…landing on the moon, the battle for civil rights, protecting the environment…it’s not too late to stand up and make our voices heard when we see things going in the wrong direction.  We’re still here.  We’re smarter and more patient now (in most cases) and we have a lot to contribute.

So light those candles.  And make that wish come true.  Every day could be the birth of something wonderful—if we help make it so.

“Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be.” 

  Lauren Hutton 

I know it’s here somewhere…

Where are my glasses?

I know I put them somewhere…I thought it was in this room…wasn’t I in here last?  No, wait, I might have set them down in the bedroom. Let’s see….no, don’t see them…I’ll try the office. What a mess this office is, I really need to clean it.  But I can’t, until I find my glasses.

I’ll retrace my steps…got up, went in the kitchen…look at the stack of dishes, geesh, I need to wash them…but I can’t see them well enough at the moment, so need to find those glasses…okay, after I went in the kitchen this morning, I then went in the utility room to try and find the leash so I could take the dog for a walk…that’s it!  My glasses are on top of the dryer next to the dog food.

Speaking of dog food, did I feed her already today?  Dang it.  She looks hungry.  But then she always looks hungry.  Maybe I need to start marking it on the calendar, if I can ever remember to keep a pencil by the calendar.

Speaking of pencils, I need to buy more.  I’ll add that to the list on the counter.

Okay now that I have my glasses, where is my phone?  Shoot.  I have no idea where I had that last.  It’s not on the charger.  It’s not in the bedroom.  And I can’t call it because my kids convinced me I didn’t need a land line anymore, so either I find it, or I have to go by a new one.  But where is it?

Did I use it late last night?  I’ll check the pockets of my jackets…nope, is it on the end table?  Or was I playing Angry Birds while watching the movie….aha!  Right between the sofa cushions.  Perfect.

Now if I can remember where my keys are, we can go…. wait, wasn’t I making a list?  Why isn’t it on the counter?  

Have you been there?  Getting older isn’t dull.  Sometimes it can feel like a conspiracy…invisible gremlins gleefully hiding things, moving furniture, causing chaos.  There was a book I read when I was a child called The Borrowers, wee folk who took small things for their use like thimbles (remember those), utensils, etc. so the residents of the home always seemed to be losing things, or at least could not remember where they were.  We can joke about it, but sometimes it’s worrisome…when is it just being absentminded, and when it is a sign of dementia…and what can we do about it?

The National Institute on Aging offers these insights:

“Some changes in thinking are common as people get older. For example, older adults may have:

  • Increased difficulty finding words and recalling names
  • More problems with multi-tasking
  • Mild decreases in the ability to pay attention

“Some older adults find that they don’t do as well as younger people on complex memory or learning tests. Given enough time, though, they can do as well. There is growing evidence that the brain remains “plastic”—able to adapt to new challenges and tasks—as people age.  Aging may also bring positive cognitive changes. People often have more knowledge and insight from a lifetime of experiences. Research shows that older adults can still:

  • Learn new things
  • Create new memories
  • Improve vocabulary and language skills

“It is not clear why some people think well as they get older while others do not. One possible reason is “cognitive reserve,” the brain’s ability to work well even when some part of it is disrupted. People with more education seem to have more cognitive reserve than others.”

Some brain changes, such as those associated with Alzheimer’s disease, are NOT a normal part of aging.  Check with your physician if you are concerned about you or someone else.   

The good news:   there are ways to keep your brain healthy:

  • Regular exercise, we’re talking at least 30 minutes of true cardio exercise several times a week, pumps blood to your brain and helps reduce cell loss in the brain.  So park further away from the store.  Take the stairs.  Get up and walk around when you can, or do chair aerobics.
  • Listen to music:  studies show that while hearing music, the areas in the brain involving making decision, accessing memories and making predictions “light up.”  Get out those old Doobie Brothers albums or CDs.  Or that wonderful Mozart.
  • Eat lots of colorful vegetables: they are high in disease-fighting antioxidants and they work to rid the body of bad free radicals.  Make your plate look like a rainbow.
  • Stop smoking and drink moderately.   Smoking is just plain bad.  Alcohol, depending on the study you read, can actually be beneficial, but only in moderate amounts.  Be smart.
  • Be social.  Regularly communicate with friends and family,  put yourself in social situations, engage in the world around you.  It really makes a difference.

It’s important not to panic if you often find yourself forgetting where your key are.  We all do it. But it’s equally vital to understand that bigger changes—such as frequent mood swings, loss of interest, confusion, poor grooming habits, etc.—in yourself or someone you love requires the attention of a physician.

This is a busy time of year and we all have way too many lists to keep up with…so cut yourself some slack if you accidentally put the Christmas stocking in the refrigerator and the turkey on the mantle.  Give yourself the gift of patience.  And a little good music.


“Happiness is good health and a bad memory.”

    Ingrid Bergman



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