Like many people, I’m not feeling as mentally stimulated as I’d like. I haven’t been able to be in the physical presence of several people who challenge me, amuse me, or simply share their life story with me. I’m still working, I’m interacting with many intelligent and interesting people, but it’s all from a distance.
I’m running out of fun things to do with salmon and new ways to pep up rice. Routine, which can be a friend sometimes, is becoming a boring taskmaster. I want to talk to friends, but when I do, I don’t feel like I have anything interesting to say. There’s only one time when the words come fast and strong:
When I see someone without a mask in public.
My problem? Maybe. But it’s not just my problem. It’s the problem of anyone that person comes into contact with. Yes, there are some for who medical reasons cannot wear masks. But they are not the majority. I will never understand why this had to become a badge of stubborn pride…to be so cavalier with other people’s lives. You wouldn’t walk around with a cobra on your head, ready to pounce, would you?
Then why won’t you put on a mask?
I know there are people who don’t think this virus is a big deal. I’d like to introduce them to those who’ve spent 4 weeks on a ventilator and have to learn to walk again. Or those who have lost a parent or spouse with no warning. All ages, all physical types, all levels of health and fitness. If you could do something to prevent that, wouldn’t you?
I know this isn’t a fun topic. My apologies, at the moment, it’s the best I can do. We boomers and beyond have a well-earned wisdom. Let’s use it. What a gift to help another person stay safe. We’re asking younger people to do it for us, so let’s do it for one another.

So much angst, so much anger, so much pride…it’s all meaningless at some point. I sincerely wish you, your family and loved ones, and your friends good health and well-being. I guess I just also wish that everyone would just, for the next month at least, do something that could save a life.
Seriously, how often do you get to do that??
“Never doubt that a few caring people can’t change the world. For indeed, that’s all who ever have.” Margaret Meade
“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” Fred Rogers
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