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Wisdom of The Trees.

It’s been a while…quite a while…since this blog was updated. Apologies to those who actually looked forward to new posts (you both are too kind).

I could say I’ve been sunning on my yacht in France, trekking with the sled dogs in the Yukon, or working in the laboratory coming up with a cure for the current rash of apathy that seems to be overtaking everyone.

But I wouldn’t be telling the truth. The truth is much less exciting.

The truth is I did get very busy with my work, then slipped into some kind of mental paralysis where I just didn’t have it in me at the end of day to come up with anything interesting.

Never stopped me before, right?   

What strikes me most about all this is the slippery slope that seems to get more slippery as the years go by. At times, it’s just too easy to opt for lethargy. Not that there’s anything wrong with slowing a bit, being more choosy with whom you spend your time, and be much more discerning about what you do with your time. We’ve earned the right, right? And frankly some activities don’t have the appeal they once did.

To me, Nature is always the best choice. The peace, the stillness, the lack of pretense that is the natural world.

Near where I live, there’s a path that goes through a lot of trees, many of which appear to have been around for many years. I walk through there almost daily, listening to the wind rustle the leaves, hearing the birds, and just enjoying the scene. My favorite trees are the ones that look the most worn; their bark is falling away, and their color is not that different than the silver white hair of an aging human. While the younger, thinner, more energetic trees around them sway easily in the breeze, these elder statesman never move. Their leaves are long gone and now they have only a few bare branches that reach out quietly. They are a source of strength and power.

Come what may, they prevail.

Hermann Hesse writes, “When we learn how to listen to trees, then the brevity and quickness and childlike hastiness of our thoughts achieve an incomparable joy.” Walt Whitman was in love with trees and advised spending serious time with them.

If you’ve never stopped  on a mountain trail to “shake hands with a tree” (put your arms around it), you’re missing out.

If it sounds crazy that’s okay with me. All I know is on the days when things seem out of control, frustrating, sad or pointless, a walk past a few of these stalwart guardians restores the soul. While the young and green bend, shake, and fall apart in the storms, my ragged, yet strong friends are always there, waiting, with a wisdom that can’t be found anywhere else. A wisdom that can only come from years of growth. And probably countless pests messing up its hair.

The wisdom of the trees. So worth knowing. Especially when we turn those “big” birthdays that we can’t believe are happening. How did this happen this fast? How can someone who used to go hear live music at 11 p.m. now find it impossible to stay awake past 9 p.m.? It’s all going by so fast, that just can’t be right.

And then there’s that gorgeous, wrinkled tree.  

With a beauty that only an old soul can have. It’s a beauty we all have as we age, even if we exhaust ourselves trying to cover it up or replace it with new parts. We are who and what we are, and even on our bad days, or times when we are sure everyone else is happier and younger than us, we are each a miracle.

So let’s keep rockin’ it. And I’ll do my part, too. 

“The clearest way into the universe is through a forest of wilderness.”

John Muir

Wish List For The New Year

10 things this boomer would like to see in 2022:

• Respect and admiration for everyone over the age of 80.

 • A ban on humidity over 40 percent.

• A loving home for every stray cat or dog. With treats, an extra bed for when their bones ache, and undivided attention from their human for at least one hour a day.

• Elimination of the cell phone ring tone that sounds like an old office phone. Please.

 •Cheese dip that makes you smarter.

• A headline that reads, “Everyone on the planet is vaccinated and hospital staffs are now working regular shifts.”

 • A cure for dementia.

  • Another headline that states, “Humans understand what they are doing to the planet and start to heal it instead.”

 •Riding in the pace car at the Indianapolis 500. (Hey, I still have a chance.)

 • A renewed appreciation for science, knowledge, reading, investigative journalism, and common sense.

One can dream, right? Novelist, essayist, environmentalist, farmer and really smart guy Wendell Berry says if we could each just heal the relationship with our neighbor, just imagine what could be.

Yes, just imagine. John Lennon did. Bishop Desmond Tutu did as well. So did Mother Theresa. Even Homer Simpson had moments of inspiration.

Happy New Year…let’s be kind to each other.

“The teachers are everywhere. What is wanted is a learner.”

Wendell Berry

The gift of a life.

I lost a good friend this week. A neighbor who was 91 and lived an amazing life. He was a kind, quiet, witty man who loved his wife (married 68 years) and his many children, grandchildren and probably great-grandchildren (I’m not sure if that’s happened yet). I miss him already.

I”d see him outside with his sweet wife, walking slowly with the aid of a walker and one of his sons, taking small, sure steps when the weather allowed. He was retired many years from a long and successful career, and from what I gathered, he mostly enjoyed time with family, whittling walking sticks, and playing music on his back porch. Just a simple, easygoing, pleasant person you enjoyed knowing.

And while part of me was sorry he chose to go so close to Christmas, knowing how hard that can be for those who remain behind, another part of me thought of what a beautiful time to go the hereafter, which I believe in. I have a feeling the angels have had to make room in their musical group for this man whose smile could brighten the gloomiest days.

How like the Christmas story this week has felt. A soul departs after almost a century of life on earth, ready for the next adventure. Another soul enters the universe and transforms it forever. One is wrinkled and a bit weary, with wisdom and patience that can only come with age. The other is new and fresh and absorbing all that comes its way.

There’s something beautiful about people who have reached this level of life. Think of what they know, and what they’ve survived. The lessons they’ve learned the hard way. The things they’ve taught others simply by being around them. And how in many cases they’ve had to accept what happens to far too many older adults: being ignored, written off, passed by without a second look.

I’ve always believed your life is missing something if you do not have at least one friend who is over 80. They are jewels who shine from within; gifts that loved to be received and valued.

There are those who say Christmas is for children. I’ve never agreed with that. Maybe these people are talking about toys and stockings and cookies. But even so, is it not the child in each of us that anticipates something wonderful on Christmas Eve? Does it matter what age you are when you stand outside at midnight under a full moon on a crisp night and look upwards?

Maybe it’s the child inside each of us that is awakened to the magic. And maybe, when we lose a treasured elder friend, it’s because the child in them was ready to run again…only this time among the clouds.

Merry Christmas, my friend. Merry Christmas everyone.

A Boomer’s Thanksgiving 2021.

It’s here.

That moment around the Thanksgiving table filled with wondrous high-caloric temptations and goodies when some young relative innocently raises his or her said and utters the dreaded sentence:

Let’s go around the table and all say what we’re thankful for.”  

Uh oh.

By this point, you’ve either been in the kitchen since 4 a.m. and you’re mainly thankful for sitting down, or you’re already in a sugar-induced trance and you’re thankful for sitting down, or you’re trying very hard to keep from slapping someone and you’re thankful for sitting down.

But now the gauntlet has been thrown down.  You must appear to be somewhat intelligent.  Generous.  Considerate of those around you.  (Even though you’re convinced a few of them voted badly in the last election and maybe a few owe you money.)

Oh my, where is this tacky inner voice coming from?

Of course you’re thankful for good health. For the ability to see, walk and hear.  For friends and family.  For the food on the table, the roof over your head and the clothes you wear.  You’re truly grateful for it all, and you lift a sincere prayer for those who are not so fortunate.

And these days, there are far, far, far too many of those.

But just for a moment, take a look at the lighter side of gratitude.  The little things that maybe no one says out loud but several are thinking.  The little things that can make or break a day.

For instance, as a boomer, you might say you are grateful for:



Senior discounts.


Cheese dip.

No short-term memory (sometimes, it’s handy.)

More elastic.

The mute button.

Someone else bagging the leaves.

Indoor plumbing.

Chinese take-out.


Your favorite sweatshirt.  Socks.  Cap.

Watching the original “Bishop’s Wife” every holiday and feeling like Cary Grant and Loretta Young are right next to you.

A warm cat on your lap.

A warm dog lying across your feet.

Fat pants.

Not answering the phone after 8 p.m.

“Arthritis” caps on Alleve.

Eyeglasses.  Several pairs of eyeglasses. 

Knowing where these eyeglasses are.

Phoning an old friend and enjoying a happy hour over the phone.

Knowing your turkey and dressing turned out wonderfully because you’ve been making it longer than just about anyone else in the room.

Booster vaccinations.

Taking real joy in watching others and really understanding how precious life is.

See above.

And did I mention elastic?

As we get older, let’s embrace what we’ve earned…the right to sit back, breathe and enjoy it all…and focus on what really matters:  time to be grateful.  Time to relish in the small joys of life. And maybe a little extra time on the couch!

“I am grateful for what I am and what I have.  My thanksgiving is perpetual.”

     Henry David Thoreau

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