Start over and rock your 50+ life!

Maybe you’ve thought of moving across country, starting a business, joining a kazoo band or shaving your head. Whatever your dream, you’re dreaming it for a reason, and now’s a perfect time to take action. I moved across the country, started over with new digs, some new friends, a bossy GPS and all new passwords to learn.   Nervous. Unsure. Excited. Warned by many I was not going to make it if I tried to start over.

But I did it…because when I entered my 50s, I decided it was time to answer the inner nag—the one who kept pulling on my skirt telling me to go beyond my comfort zone into a land of lower humidity.

So, let me ask you. You’re in your 50s, 60s, or beyond. It really feels like you got here really fast. Just as you’re getting the hang of things, you wake up and feel a bit out of step with what’s going on in the world…even though many times, that’s a good thing.

But the real question isn’t whether you understand the latest apps on your new phone. The real question is this:

Are you enjoying being a boomer?



Seriously. Because no matter what your age, I’m betting you have worked, cleaned, discussed, traveled, driven, supported, birthed, challenged, budgeted, sighed, cried and optimized for a very long time. You might have endured some very tough times that come with losing a spouse, changes in your health, sudden loss of employment and more.  It’s all led you to the true gift of growing older: wisdom.

Not wisdom like Albert Einstein (though if you’re that smart, congrats). I’m talking the wisdom that realizes the joy and benefits of taking a breath. Walking through a forest of golden aspens a little slower. Taking a break during the day with your dog to walk a new path. Sneaking out to a mid-week movie just because you want to.

Reinventing yourself. Making your fifties or sixties the best years ever (and if you’ve passed those milestones, keep it going!).

Start over.  Now that’s what I call smart.

Then why is it so hard to relax and enjoy? Because we were programmed to go, go, go. Those of us with Depression area parents grew up believing we needed to always be ten steps ahead of everyone or we might end up behind them in a bread line. It’s understandable. It’s what got us where we are today…accomplished business people, successful entrepreneurs, heads of departments, beloved mothers and fathers, favorite aunts and uncles, good neighbors.


Maybe it’s time to reboot. Rethink. Reconnect with what makes each of us a miracle.

That’s what this blog is about…looking at all the possibilities that are yours after 50. It might be about health, travel, retirement, music, common sense, how to start over or just having a good laugh. We’ll share some wisdom, interview some cool people and have an occasional giveaway.

And hey, we’re in this together. Let me know what you’re thinking…what’s working for you…where you are on your journey. (If you’re like me, you’ll have to put on your glasses to see the mileage marker.) We may be limping when we get there (I will, if I forget my orthotics) but we will get there.

And as for our wrinkles…we’ve earned them. Now it’s time to rock ‘em!

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 “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face…. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

Eleanor Roosevelt




  1. Rita Stout

    Laura, I’m a bit older than you are but your website was a breath of fresh air to me today. I lost my husband three years ago, my only child twenty years ago and now am truly alone. It’s really scary. I must reinvent myself. I’ve started but your website gave me the much needed kick in the rear to take some risks. I’m not getting any younger. Thanks for a spirited and wise “lecture” that I needed so badly today. I’m going to get moving NOW.

  2. Laura

    You are clearly a strong and motivated person who’s faced tremendous challenges and come out on the other side…sounds like you are finding your way. I don’t think it’s a straight line for any of us, more of a zig zag….

  3. Tim

    Great job putting into words so much of what many of us are feeling.
    I’m still trying to figure out what’s next after moving to another planet.

    • Laura

      be gentle with yourself! it takes time. In fact, next post is about just that….

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