A boomer’s Christmas List.

Cardinal in the Snow


What this boomer would like for Christmas:

  1. To sleep uninterrupted for 8 hours. (I think I did it when I was a teenager, but I can’t remember. )
  2. To be able to open a website without popups asking me if I want to subscribe, give money, or join.
  3. To be able to open a bag of chips without a flame thrower and an axe.
  4. To be able to pass on some well-earned advice about situations that, when you are young, you think will be the toughest things you will ever face. (not)
  5. To eat a few certain cherished cheat foods and not pay the price.
  6. To never see another commercial for Progressive Insurance, Geico Insurance, or Sonic again.
  7. To  walk by a running creek every day.
  8. To understand why so many people are so filled with fear and hate of people who are different from them.
  9. A muzzle for Donald Trump (see above).
  10. To be able to get up from the couch without groaning.
  11. To play tennis with my father again and watch my mother cook dinner again. (And eat it all.)
  12. To write a novel that changes someone’s life…and is published the old-fashioned, authentic, sweat and tears way (agent, publisher).
  13. To sit down to dinner knowing other people have enough to eat and a warm, dry place to sleep.
  14. A cable channel that shows nothing but the Marx Brothers, Harold Lloyd movies, and reruns of Captain Kangaroo.
  15. Good feet.
  16. A promise that when I go to Heaven, I can go trout fishing with Cory Wells.
  17. To be able to visit The Blues Museum in Memphis much more often and listen to recordings of the greats.
  18. To take my dog for a walk without forgetting something (the leash, plastic bags, keys, water, the dog).
  19. Peace, good health, and hope for all my friends and loved ones, without forgetting that everyone deserves that—regardless of race or religion.
  20. To always remember how blessed I am.
  21. My mother’s macaroni and cheese (see #11).

ribbons_bowTo you and yours, a peaceful, safe, and happy Christmas.

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”

      Norman Vincent Peale


  1. Tricia

    Thanks, Laura. With a few (very few) edits, that list could be mine. Fun to read!

    • Laura

      all edits welcome!

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