Author: Laura (Page 23 of 54)

Do you have the time?

Time is so precious.  We understand this so much more as we age.   I think when most of us were much younger, we saw the future as a very long road stretching out before us to infinity, with no end or at least one that wasn’t anywhere in sight. We “had” time to play, to make and lose friends, to eat what we wanted, maybe drink too much, not exercise enough, and whatever struck our fancy because, after all, we “had” time.

tEREUy1vSfuSu8LzTop3_IMG_2538Then a few years went by.

We saw a few strange marks on our faces (“are those wrinkles?  Can’t be.”)  We couldn’t stay up quite as late, but we sure tried.  We noticed how some friends seemed to drift away, yet we didn’t work too hard to get back in touch. After all, we were now working hard on getting things right:  our marriages, our careers, our portfolios.  The other things, like peace of mind or emotional health?  Oh, there’d be plenty of time to worry about that later.

And since we were never really going to grow old, it didn’t matter anyway.

Then a lot more years went by, and very quickly.  Much too quickly.

Yet now we are more content with who and what we are because we recognize—this is who we are.  Spending a few hours with a good friend is priceless.  Reading a really engrossing novel is fulfilling.  Watching a grandchild or great niece or nephew giggle is a joy, because we know how quickly they will grow up.  Watching a spectacular sunset fills us with awe and isn’t something we take for granted.  We are still on our path, but we recognize we’re closer to the end…at least on this planet.

We see how fast time goes by now.

Or did it always?

IMG_0600It’s bittersweet.  And depending upon your beliefs, it could just be the beginning, with another path awaiting our spirits that won’t be revealed until we leave our achy joints and bad feet behind.  But regardless of where your heart lies, it’s good to just be where you are, in every moment.  And if it’s not a good place, then give yourself permission to make it so.

Because a moment is just that—and it’s gone so fast.  As boomers and beyond, we know how to make the of them.  2018 is a great time to start.

“Time is the wisest counselor of all.”


12 days of a boomer Christmas.

12 Days of a Boomer Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my Subaru gave to me…..

a broken transmission they’ll repair for free.

On the second day of Christmas, my neighbor’s trees gave to me….

two zillion new leaves, and a broken transmission they’ll fix for free.

On the third day of Christmas, my utility company gave to me….

a lovely rate increase, two zillion leaves, and a broken transmission they’ll fix for free.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my clients gave to me….…

 last-minute rush jobs, a lovely rate increase, two zillion leaves, and a transmission they fix for free.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my pantry gave to me….…

chili cheese fritos!   last-minute rush jobs, a lovely rate increase, two zillion leaves, and a transmission they fix for free.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my closet gave to me….…

the next size, chili cheese fritos!  last-minute rush jobs, a lovely rate increase, two zillion leaves, and why is it always  me.

On the seventh day of Christmas, my remotes gave to me

seven batteries a-dying, the next size, chili cheese fritos!  last-minute rush jobs, a lovely rate increase,  two gazillion leaves, and broken transmission oh golly gee.

On the eighth day of Christmas, my dog gave to me….

eight bags of black hair, seven batteries a-dying, the next size, chili cheese fritos!  last-minute rush jobs, a  lovely rate increase, two gazillion leaves, and a transmission they fix for free.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my subconscious gave to me

nine ways to feel guilty, eight bags of black hair, seven batteries a-dying, the next size, chili cheese fritos!  Four last-minute rush jobs, a  lovely rate increase, two gazillion leaves, and please please someone help me.

On the tenth day of Christmas, driving gave to me

ten new swear words …nine ways to feel guilty, eight bags of black hair, seven batteries a-dying, the next size, chili cheese fritos!  Four last-minute rush jobs, a  lovely rate increase, two gazillion leaves, and someone get the cat out of the tree.

On the eleventh  day of Christmas, my oven gave to me

eleven ways to ruin cookies …ten new swear words, nine ways to feel guilty, eight bags of black hair, seven batteries a-dying, the next size, chili cheese fritos!  Four last-minute rush jobs, a  lovely rate increase, two gazillion leaves, and please please someone help me.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my heart gave to me….

12 reasons to be happy

11 million reasons to be grateful

10 ways to find joy each day

9 people I could help right now

8 chances to smile every hour

7 recipes to share

6 songs I could hum as I drive

5 people I could wave to as they cut me off in traffic! 

4 elderly friends who could use a visit

3 old friends I miss

2 donations to make

and a Merry Christmas to one and all!



“Ho Ho Ho!”

   Santa Claus


what are you waiting for?

It’s Advent.  A season of waiting, of hope, of  learning patience for all the wonderful  things that could be.  That’s not something many of us really understand easily, in this age of right now,  right here, right away.  We’re so sure we know what is around the corner, so why doesn’t it just get here already?

But what if  we acknowledge that we truly do not know what is ahead…and let that be okay?  We might find a real peace in giving up control (like we had it anyway) and just letting life be.

You’d think as boomers, having gone through so many things in our life—most of it unexpected—we’d be used to the idea that  we often have no clue.  We make our plans, we  deliver our list to our higher power, and then we wait for it all to come true.

Surely Santa will find us, even if we don’t have a chimney.

And then Christmas morning comes, and it’s not  under  the  tree.  The new job.  The perfect marriage. The wonderful house.  The dream we’ve been keeping in our hearts for a lifetime.  Why?  What did we do wrong?

Why can’t we have what we want, and right now?

Or…maybe we did get it.

That new job…what you really wanted was to feel competent and respected.  Look around:  there  are probably many people who consider you a mentor. You’re smart.  Successful.  Own it!

The perfect marriage...would that be Ozzie and Harriet or Father Knows Best?  Those are television shows.  Reality is a bit tougher.  And maybe  just taking a look at photos of you and your spouse from the early years might  remind you why you fell in love.  He/she is still  there, sitting right across from you every morning.

That wonderful’s okay to want a sparkling new kitchen or a wonderful deck for entertaining.  Maybe just making some easy changes would make things feel new, like new paint or rug or outdoor furniture.  Like they say, if you want it, picture it…you never know.

That dream….this is where it gets trickier. You always wanted to live in the mountains. Or you’ve pictured the farm in the country with cats, dogs, horses and more. Or you haven’t been to Europe and you’re starting to wonder if you’ll  make it.  Maybe what’s really tugging at your heart is something else—a need to explore.  To take a risk.  To do something a bit frivolous and throw caution to the wind.

Do it. Right now.  Every day.  Do something unexpected.  Even a little crazy.  It might take you just a few steps closer to doing the big thing you’ve always wanted to do.

In “Things That Join The Sea and The Sky,” author Mark Nepo says:

“At the end of all we want, we’re meant to glow. So long and want and dream till you exhaust your heart’s desire.  We learn so much from longing, and wanting, and dreaming.  Mostly, that they are not the mansions we dream of living in, but the wood that keeps our fire going.”

I have to believe we get what we need, and, if we ask, we do get what we want….but it might not even be something we realize we want. Sometimes it feels like it takes forever. Remember being a child on Christmas Eve?

It’s a season of joy…it’s coming, but it’s also here, within us, even if we have to hunt for it.  Let’s not give up.


“Let’s approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush.”











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