10 things boomers shouldn’t have to deal with anymore.

We made it. We’re older. More mature. More experienced. We’re 50 and better and we’ve earned the right to not have to waste our time with certain things, right?


Here’s my take on what we should not have to do anymore:

Show our ID every time we do anything. Hey, we’ve been here, don’t you know us? We lived here before this store was even built. Seriously do you really think we’re giving you a stolen credit card or bad check? Don’t these gray hairs get us anything?

Eat boiled turnips. I consider these an element of torture, invented by an angry Mayan society that lived under rocks and only came out when the smell of boiled turnips was more than they could stand.

tEREUy1vSfuSu8LzTop3_IMG_2538Be embarrassed about going to bed on a weekend before 10 p.m. We know we can stay up. But why? We’re tired. We’ve lived a long and exciting life. Now we relish in the joy of extra rest. Nothing beats it. And besides, we get up earlier than you and see all kinds of things you never see cause you’re sleeping in.

Be polite when you’re acting like a jerk. Enough already. We’ve gone through our years when we plastered a smile on our face and endured rude clients, inappropriate jokes in the workplace, and off-color remarks at the game. It’s not funny. It never was. And now, we can just give “the look” and go on.

Travel with people we don’t want to travel with. Sorry, but no more. Life is short. There’s so much to see. A good night’s sleep is precious. So it’s okay if you snore, gargle too loud, complain all the time, and snap at waiters. But don’t expect us to share a room with you for even one night. We’ve learned the joy of experiencing new cultures, and we cherish our adventures. You’ll get there some day.

 Prejudice, racism, intolerance, or just plain stupidity. You have the right to your opinion as well as the right to express it. But we don’t have to listen, much less agree. The longer you are on this planet, the more you will realize how we are all spirits, more alike than not, and inventing reasons to hate one another just doesn’t cut the muster. Trust us, there’s really nothing new under the sun. Read a book. (PLEASE.) Watch PBS. Turn off the crap that passes for news on certain channels and deal in facts, not bizarre opinions. We all can step back and take a moment before rushing to judgment about anyone, no matter the situation.

Humidity. Really! Don’t you think it should be a law that wherever we are, the humidity should be lower? Haven’t we sweated enough?

Be served boxed macaroni.  Enough said.

Drive behind people who don’t know how to drive.  Don’t start with us.  We’ve been behind untold numbers of people who signal a turn and then drive 35 miles, never signal, swing out to make a left turn, and brake for no apparent reason…scores and scores more than  than you have.  One day, you can complain.  Not yet.

Be ignored.  You see us.  You know we are here.  So be civil.  Acknowledge us.  Look us in the eye.  Talk to us like we’re an actual person.  Show us some respect.  This goes for individuals, advertisers, waiters, and anyone else we run into.  We might have something you want, like a pearl of wisdom.  Or a really great tip…if we get great service.

I’m sure your list is just as long, feel free to share. It’s time we boomers and beyond asserted our rights! Rock the Wrinkle!!

“Respect yourself and others will respect you.”



  1. Teresa

    I enjoyed reading your post. I’m a boomer and several of your points made me laugh in agreement! About now I would really like to get rid of the humidity!

    • Laura

      Wouldn’t we all? Guess it keeps us “looking young”….ha!

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